Watch All Open Network Connections in Mac OS X with Open_Ports | OSX Daily

You can watch all open network connections for both incoming and outgoing transfers using a free command line utility called Open_Ports is much more useful than using lsof to list open internet connectionsbecause it provides extensive network information in a very easy to read format, including what program or process is opening the connection, which port and user, the number of connections per process, the hostname being connected to, the country, and even the city.

Additionally, open_ports shows you all of your open ports listening for connections, again with information about the application, user, port number and name, and even the service IP range. All of the output is color coded, a red background signifies the process is owned by root, red text means the IP address doesn’t correspond to a domain name, blue means the IP matches several domain names, and green text means the protocol is encrypted.

Installation requires some experience with the command line, but chances are if you want an application like this then that won’t be an issue. Here we go…

Read the entire article here:
Watch All Open Network Connections in Mac OS X with Open_Ports.

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